Book A Lesson
Please read directions below.
Create an account on this page by clicking the “Returning? Log in” link in the upper right corner.
If you have already created an account you can click the link to log in. This will allow you to view/change additional appointments and schedule new appointments.
Select an appointment.
Choose an appointment type. (ex: herding training)
Choose instructor under "With.…” (ex: Rachel Maness)
Select a date. This will show all available time slots.
Dates in bold represent availability. Use drop down menu to change the month.
Select your time slot and then select "Continue."
Fill out your information.
Confirmation Page.
If you did not already create an account, please do so by selecting the option to "Register for an Account."
Problems? Call/Text Rachel Maness @ 805-302-4736 or E-mail
If these steps are not clear please let us know so that we can assist you better.